Get to know the West Boulevards branch community

The West Boulevard Library is conveniently located along the West Boulevard Corridor on the bus line for ease of access. This close-knit community on the westside of Charlotte houses several long established neighborhoods. Serving as a meeting place for its residents, West Boulevard Library is a warm and welcoming community hub. The West Boulevard Branch’s world language collection contains a wide variety of Spanish materials for all ages, along with a sprinkling of other languages. The community looks to the staff of the West Boulevard Library for its digital literacy needs. This Library branch strives to develop and support partnerships with other community resources to enrich the lives of the residents.

Located within a mile of the Library is the Arbor Glen Outreach Facility, home of Clanton Road Community Park and Arbor Glen Recreation Center. The recreation center offers programming and sports for all ages. The park houses basketball courts, play equipment for children and features an outdoor bike playground where kids and adults can practice road biking etiquette.

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